Saturday, May 30, 2020

vRealize Operations API and Identity Manager Authentication

My vRealize Operations' posts prior to this one, have  shown local user authentication.  This post will demonstrate how to use VMware Identity Manager within a Python script that authenticates to vRealize Operations.

I'm going to assume that vIDM is already running and configured within vRealize Operations.  If you view the authentication sources in vRealize Operations, at a minimum you should see something like the following if vIDM is configured:

In the screen capture above, the 'Source Display Name' will be used during the authentication configuration later.

In the script below, I'm using configparser to read a file named 'config.ini'.  In the example below, I'm showing the local authentication as well as the vIDM authentication.  The local stuff is commented out.  For the vIDM user, I could have combined the user name and user domain into a single parameter.  I opted to leave them separated here and combine them in the Python script.

<--- Begin config.ini --->

[vrops user]







[vrops server]

<--- End config.ini --->

For my environment, I'm only considering a local authentication or a vIDM authentication.  For vIDM, I need to use the 'Source Display Name' that we viewed in the screen capture above.  Now that we have the necessary parameters in the config.ini, we can look at the authentication process in the script.  

In the 'Authenticate' routine below, I grab the server name, user name, password and authentication source from the INI file.  If the authentication source is not 'Local', I grab the domain parameter and append that to the user name.  I can now acquire the token and run the rest of the script.

The script results are basic.  It will show the authenticated user's permissions and the configured authentication sources in vROps.  I show the results of the script at the bottom of this blog.

Here is the script:

<--- Begin --->



import getopt, sys, json, requests, configparser

from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning


def Authenticate():

# Read Config parameters

config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')

#Your vROps environment parameters

srvName = config['vrops server']['srvName']

usrName = config['vrops user']['usrName']

usrPass = config['vrops user']['usrPass']

authSource = config['vrops user']['authSource']

if authSource.lower() != "local":

usrDom = config['vrops user']['usrDomain']

usrName = usrName+"@"+usrDom

global baseURL

baseURL = "https://" + srvName

apiURL = baseURL + "/suite-api/api/auth/token/acquire"

apiData = {"username": usrName,"authSource": authSource,"password": usrPass,"others": [],"otherAttributes": {}}

apiHeaders = {"Content-Type":"application/json","Accept":"application/json"}

apiReq =,data=json.dumps(apiData),headers=apiHeaders,verify=False)

if (apiReq.status_code != 200):

print('probably invalid credentials')

print('Returned Status Code: ' + str(apiReq.status_code))



token = "vRealizeOpsToken " + apiReq.json()['token']

return token

# Get Current Users Permissions

def GetPermissions(token):

apiURL = baseURL + "/suite-api/api/auth/currentuser/permissions"

apiHeaders = {"Content-Type":"application/json","Authorization":token,"Accept":"application/json"}

apiReq = requests.get(apiURL,headers=apiHeaders,verify=False)

# print(json.dumps(apiReq.json(),indent=4))

print("Current User Permissions:")

for x in range(len(apiReq.json()['permissions'])):

print(" Role Name: "+apiReq.json()['permissions'][x]['roleName'])

print(" Allow All Objects: "+str(apiReq.json()['permissions'][x]['allowAllObjects']))

# Get Auth Sources

def GetAuthSources(token):

apiURL = baseURL + "/suite-api/api/auth/sources"

apiHeaders = {"Content-Type":"application/json","Authorization":token,"Accept":"application/json"}

apiReq = requests.get(apiURL,headers=apiHeaders,verify=False)

# print(json.dumps(apiReq.json(),indent=4))

if (apiReq.status_code == 200):

for x in range(len(apiReq.json()['sources'])):

msg = "\nAuthorization Source: "+ str(x+1)

msg += "\n\tname: "+apiReq.json()['sources'][x]['name']

msg += "\n\tid: "+apiReq.json()['sources'][x]['id']

msg += "\n\tsource type name: "+apiReq.json()['sources'][x]['sourceType']['name']


GetAuthSourcesType(token, apiReq.json()['sources'][x]['id'])

# Get Auth Source Type

def GetAuthSourcesType(token, id):

apiURL = baseURL + "/suite-api/api/auth/sources/"+id

apiHeaders = {"Content-Type":"application/json","Authorization":token,"Accept":"application/json"}

apiReq = requests.get(apiURL,headers=apiHeaders,verify=False)

# print(json.dumps(apiReq.json(),indent=4))

if (apiReq.status_code == 200):

msg = " Propterties about the source:"

# msg += "\n\t\tid: "+apiReq.json()['id']

# msg += "\n\t\tname: "+apiReq.json()['name']

for x in range(len(apiReq.json()['property'])):

if 'value' in apiReq.json()['property'][x]:

msg += "\n\t\tprop: "+apiReq.json()['property'][x]['name']

msg += "\n\t\tvalue: "+apiReq.json()['property'][x]['value']


msg += "\n\t\tprop: "+apiReq.json()['property'][x]['name']

msg += "\n\t\tvalue: "


def Logout(token):

releaseURL = baseURL + "/suite-api/api/auth/token/release"

apiHeaders = {"Content-Type":"application/json","Authorization":token,"Accept":"application/json"}

authResponse =,headers=apiHeaders,verify=False)

def main():

token = Authenticate()




if __name__ == "__main__":


<--- End --->

These are the results of the script above:

<--- Script Results --->

jwhite@vm-linux:~/bin$ ./ 

Current User Permissions:

Role Name: Administrator

Allow All Objects: True

Authorization Source: 1

name: All vCenter Servers

id: d082d766-b28b-43e9-85cf-030ff82dcff1

source type name: VC_GROUP

Propterties about the source:

Authorization Source: 2

name: VM-IDM

id: acca9a62-4869-4404-b8b7-3a702a63df3f

source type name: VIDM

Propterties about the source:

prop: redirect-host


prop: display-name

value: VM-IDM

prop: port

value: 443

prop: host


prop: tenant

value: default-tenant

prop: certificate-thumprint

value: 7007a6e4811bbc4657846fe9b6c2f56193a76f25

Authorization Source: 3

name: vCenter

id: 894a97aa-c2b7-4022-8e87-298b952f6afa

source type name: VC

Propterties about the source:

prop: vc-guid

value: 335c8073-3c15-48ae-b291-0c29af38f896

Thanks for taking a look at this blog.

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