New to vRealize Operations 8.1 are the REST calls to Install, Upgrade and Uninstall the vRealize Operations application monitoring agent. In the script below, I
show how to make the REST calls to accomplish each process. The intent or hope is that someone can use this an even more automated process than I'm using here.
Conditions for this example:
For Python, an Install process will look for a data section like this:
The agent upgrade request uses a much simpler structure but still needs the Instance ID.
For Uninstalling or Removing the agent, the data structure is similar to an install:
FYI: The script below uses configparser which allows a developer to use an input file for parameters. You can replace the usrName, usrPass and srvName with you own values or configure your own configuration parameter file. The usrName references a vRealize Operations local account.
Here is a sample configuration file
The script ( to perform the processes:
When executing the script, the REST call will pass the process to Application Remote Collector. You can watch the process in vRealize Operations -> Administration -> History -> Recent Tasks.
To execute the processes:
Thanks for checking this out.
Conditions for this example:
- vRealize Operations 8.1 Advanced or higher license
- Testing against a Microsoft Windows virtual machine (this works with Linux too, just change the authentication parameters for the VM)
For Python, an Install process will look for a data section like this:
"resourcecredentials" : [ {
"resourceid" : "fe64428f-e48e-48c9-8675-cd8737dc8118",
"username" : "vm_username1",
"password" : "vm_password1",
"addruntimeuser" : true,
"others" : [ ],
"otherattributes" : { }
}, {
"resourceid" : "6ec2fea7-d0cf-4659-a93e-cde7221cc313",
"username" : "vm_username2",
"password" : "vm_password2",
"addruntimeuser" : true,
"others" : [ ],
"otherattributes" : { }
} ],
"others" : [ ],
"otherattributes" : { }
You can see that the resourceID used in the request is the vRealize Operations Instance ID. The data structure also requires OS username and password for each
resourceId. If you are not familiar with the Instance ID, it's simply a unique identifier used by vRealize Operations and generated with a resource is created in the vRealize Operations database. I have a
search script in another blog
that can be used to return the Instance ID if you want to check that out.The agent upgrade request uses a much simpler structure but still needs the Instance ID.
"contextresourceids" : [ "39de518e-057d-4594-adf5-91b3c517cfd0", "559b0279-ceca-435a-bb93-516c5178f474" ],
"others" : [ ],
"otherattributes" : { }
The 'contextResourceIDs' above can be an array/list of IDs. You will notice that the upgrade data structure does not require a username and password like we do for installing or removing the agent.For Uninstalling or Removing the agent, the data structure is similar to an install:
"resourcecredentials" : [ {
"resourceid" : "d1b39d3e-9da3-4602-ba75-2c6dfabb7ef6",
"username" : "vm1_username",
"password" : "vm1_password",
"addruntimeuser" : true,
"others" : [ ],
"otherattributes" : { }
}, {
"resourceid" : "d8adc9bb-be2b-47d0-9d22-383f1a99079c",
"username" : "vm2_username",
"password" : "vm2_password",
"addruntimeuser" : true,
"others" : [ ],
"otherattributes" : { }
} ],
"others" : [ ],
"otherattributes" : { }
The agent uninstall process still uses the same resourceId and OS credentials to remove the agent.FYI: The script below uses configparser which allows a developer to use an input file for parameters. You can replace the usrName, usrPass and srvName with you own values or configure your own configuration parameter file. The usrName references a vRealize Operations local account.
Here is a sample configuration file
$ cat config.ini
[vrops user]
[vrops server]
[windows user]
The script ( to perform the processes:
import sys, getopt, json, requests, configparser
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
# Authenticate (vROps local user - consider updating script to allow for IDM)
def Authenticate():
#Read Config parameters
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')
#Your vROps environment parameters
usrName = config['vrops user']['usrName']
usrPass = config['vrops user']['usrPass']
srvName = config['vrops server']['srvName']
global baseURL
baseURL = "https://" + srvName
tokenURL = baseURL + "/suite-api/api/auth/token/acquire"
authJSON = {"username": usrName,"authSource": "Local","password": usrPass,"others": [],"otherAttributes": {}}
authHeaders = {"Content-Type":"application/json","Accept":"application/json"}
authResponse =,data=json.dumps(authJSON),headers=authHeaders,verify=False)
if (authResponse.status_code != 200):
print('probably invalid credentials')
print('Returned Status Code: ' + authResponse.status_code)
authToken = "vRealizeOpsToken " + authResponse.json()['token']
return authToken
# Install an agent
def InstallAgent(token,vm_id):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')
#Common VM OS Username and Password
OSusrName = config['windows user']['usrName']
OSusrDom = config['windows user']['usrDomain']
OSusrPass = config['windows user']['usrPass']
usrName = OSusrDom+"\\"+OSusrName
reqData = {
"resourceCredentials" : [ {
"resourceId" : vm_id,
"username" : usrName,
"password" : OSusrPass,
"addRuntimeUser" : True,
"others" : [ ],
"otherAttributes" : { }
Headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json","Authorization":token,"Accept":"application/json"}
vropsURL = baseURL+"/suite-api/api/applications/agents"
response =,headers=Headers,data=json.dumps(reqData),verify=False)
if (response.status_code == 200):
print ('Agent Install Submitted to ARC')
print (str(response.text))
# Upgrade an agent
def UpgradeAgent(token,vm_id):
reqData = {
"contextResourceIDs" : [ vm_id ],
"others" : [ ],
"otherAttributes" : { }
Headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json","Authorization":token,"Accept":"application/json"}
vropsURL = baseURL+"/suite-api/api/applications/agents/upgrade"
response = requests.put(vropsURL,headers=Headers,data=json.dumps(reqData),verify=False)
if (response.status_code == 200):
print ('Agent Upgrade submitted to ARC')
print (str(response.text))
# Remove an agent
def RemoveAgent(token,vm_id):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')
#Common VM OS Username and Password
OSusrName = config['windows user']['usrName']
OSusrDom = config['windows user']['usrDomain']
OSusrPass = config['windows user']['usrPass']
usrName = OSusrDom+"\\"+OSusrName
reqData = {
"resourceCredentials" : [ {
"resourceId" : vm_id,
"username" : usrName,
"password" : OSusrPass,
"addRuntimeUser" : True,
"others" : [ ],
"otherAttributes" : { }
} ],
"others" : [ ],
"otherAttributes" : { }
Headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json","Authorization":token,"Accept":"application/json"}
vropsURL = baseURL+"/suite-api/api/applications/agents"
response = requests.delete(vropsURL,headers=Headers,data=json.dumps(reqData),verify=False)
if (response.status_code == 200):
print ('Agent Uninstall Submitted')
print (str(response.text))
def Logout(token):
releaseURL = baseURL + "/suite-api/api/auth/token/release"
authHeaders = {"Content-Type":"application/json","Authorization":token,"Accept":"application/json"}
authResponse =,headers=authHeaders,verify=False)
def Usage():
print("Script Usage:")
print("To install the agent: -I <OPsID for VM>")
print("To upgrade the agent: -U <OPsID for VM>")
print("To remove the agent: -R <OPsID for VM>")
def main():
# Check for passed arguments
if len(sys.argv)==1:
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hI:U:R:",["help","install=","upgrade=","remove="])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
authToken = Authenticate()
for key,value in opts:
if key == ("-h", "--help"):
elif key in ("-I", "--install"):
InstallAgent(authToken, value)
elif key in ("-U", "--upgrade"):
UpgradeAgent(authToken, value)
elif key in ("-R", "--remove"):
RemoveAgent(authToken, value)
# Script Starts Here
if __name__ == "__main__":
When executing the script, the REST call will pass the process to Application Remote Collector. You can watch the process in vRealize Operations -> Administration -> History -> Recent Tasks.
To execute the processes:
The removal process:
./ -R c836c3bd-a7b9-4b93-91a6-200a3f974e3a
The install process:
./ -I c836c3bd-a7b9-4b93-91a6-200a3f974e3a
The upgrade process:
./ -U c836c3bd-a7b9-4b93-91a6-200a3f974e3a
Thanks for checking this out.
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